Wolfgang Tichy

Accessing the non-public git repos of the FAU NR group

All NR repos at FAU are accessed via ssh keys. The ssh keys only work if they are secured by a good passphrase. Note that once you have created a (public/private) keypair, you can use it on any of your computers by simply copying them there. I.e. you need only one key for our repos! The only complication is that the server (quark.physics.fau.edu) is behind a firewall and thus can only be accessed via a bastion host (bast.hpc.fau.edu). Thus you need to add the following to your .ssh/config :
Host bast-giter
   Hostname bast.hpc.fau.edu
   User giter
   IdentityFile  path_to_private_key_on_local_client

Host quark.physics.fau.edu
   IdentityFile  path_to_private_key_on_local_client
   User giter
   ProxyCommand ssh -W %h:%p  giter@bast-giter
Once this is done, you should test if ssh is setup correctly. Just type:
ssh giter@quark.physics.fau.edu info
This should list all the repos you can access. In order to get a repo type:
git clone giter@quark.physics.fau.edu:name_of_repo

Note that whenever you make a connection, computers such as quark.physics.fau.edu or bast.hpc.fau.edu will need your key. To access the key your key-passphrase is needed. If you want to type this passphrase less often, you can set up ssh-agent or a similar program. The add-key.py script can be used for this purpose. For more info on ssh keys and agents see ssh.html.